So the other day I had an idea about the holidays.
I shared it with this instagram post.
I know, and felt convicted about, the fact that lots of people have an incredibly difficult time during the holidays. People feel alone and isolated. So many of us are rushing around with family and celebrating... and that makes it harder to remember that some people don't have that. Or maybe they miss loved ones that are not around anymore, or maybe they are just struggling.
There is a book my kids and I love called the Quiltmaker's Gift .
The story is a beautiful narrative about what GIVING does to our hearts.
And so we don't have quilts, but we have blankets. And I thought I'd give them to you guys to then be given to anyone you can think of that needs to know they are thought of and cared about. Each blanket will have a card too.
Here is the product page to buy one.
We sold out so fast, so I added more, and we sold out again.
My main question is, how many should we order? I had been buying them myself, but then some friends reached out and said "I want to buy some blankets to give out."
And so we happily let them help out to be a part of it.
As this grows, what I'd love to know is:
1. Do you need a blanket? Do you know someone that does?
2. Do you want to help buy more blankets?
3. If we did a night of reading the Quiltmaker's Gift and handing out blankets would you come?
The whole idea is to simply connect with each other and really take the time to connect specifically with people who might be struggling.
In the post I also mention that if you are one of the people having a hard time, please message me (Jeff). On insta or via Email. And I will respond.