Bear Coast Bag Update 2024

Here is our 2024 Bear Coast Coffee Bag Update.
Shop Coffees Now to get a bag on your counter.
Over the past days you have seen the thought that went behind this bag update.
It has been a lovingly intentional process.
Emphasizing what we care about, remembering where we’ve been, and appreciating how we’ve grown.
The colors are warm. They echo the California Flag and also the Spanish title that lines SC streets where we started. And the note on the bag has an important section meant for you guys:
“You are the final step in this narrative.
You are the grand Finale!
The farms, the roasting, the bagging… it all culminates with you.”
And that is so true. Stories are just words if no one reads em. Cafes are just rooms unless you fill them with friends. And coffee is just brown water unless someone is there to share it.
One other main update is our label. We added one bit of information at the bottom… roast level. Our goal in our roasting program has and is to roast in a way that highlights the coffee/farmer/crop the very best. And we worried that focusing on roast level drew focus away. But in seeing how adding that roast information helps customers navigate specialty coffee, we added it.
We loved our previous bags. I loved the way the single origin bag took me back to the coast of California every time I looked at it. And how our blend bag was such a creative nod to our first blend “Oso.” These designs will live on in merch and art.
Every year my sweet parents want to buy bags of Bear Coast Coffee to give to neighbors and coworkers. They have been doing so since we started roasting our own coffee back in 2019. And every year they gently pointed out like only parents can “You know, it doesn’t really say Bear Coast Coffee anywhere on the bag.” “Yup, you’re right dad. Thanks.”
So after 5 years of nudging feedback, these bags are for you dad!